How To Naturally Get Rid Of Your Dog's Fleas

Fleas can make your dog very uncomfortable and this can make you as a pet owner very worried. Fleas are not only dangerous to dogs they are also dangerous to humans as well. The bites of fleas can cause disease in human and animals. If your dog has fleas and you are searching for natural ways to get rid of them. Here are a few things you can do.

Flea Combs

One of the easiest and best solutions is to use a flea comb. Make sure the comb that you purchase is able to comb out fleas as well as any eggs or larvae that may have gathered on your pet. If your dog has a lot of hair, you should ensure that you properly detangle it before using a flea comb. If you fail to detangle your dog's hair using a flea comb can result in pain.

Create A Special Shampoo

You can easily turn your dog's regular shampoo into a flea fighting shampoo by adding the juice of two or three lemons to it along with a half a cup of water. You can use this mixture to bathe your pet once or twice per week depending on the severity of the flea infestation.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Adding a little apple cider vinegar to your dog's coat is one of the best ways to ensure that your pet is free of fleas. This is because it helps to make your dog's coat slightly acidic and this makes it impossible for fleas to survive. You can use this remedy by putting a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into your dog's regular drinking water.

Create Your Own Flea Collar

You can easily create your own flea collar. All you need is a handkerchief and some lavender oil or tea tree oil. Make the collar by adding a few drops of either oil to a tablespoon of water and then sprinkling it on the handkerchief. Tie the handkerchief around your dog's neck and this will ward off fleas.

Use Heat On Bedding

Regularly washing of your pet's bedding in hot soapy water is one of the best ways to effectively kill any eggs of larvae fleas may have deposited. When drying the bedding if possible use a dryer and turn up the heat to finish the job of killing the eggs or larvae.

Fleas are a nuisance that can be easily taken care of naturally without using any harmful chemicals that can adversely affect your dog. To learn more, contact an animal hospital like Oakton Animal Hospital. 

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