German Shepherds: The Perfect Dog

If you are thinking about getting a dog for your family, there are many different breeds to choose from. However, you really cannot go wrong with a German shepherd. They start out as the most adorable little puppies around and grow into strong, confident animals that are willing and able to work alongside their human counterparts. There are several reasons German shepherds are excellent animals to have around, some of which are as follows.

Pure Bloodlines

Unlike many designer dogs that have become popular in recent years (such as the doodle varieties), German shepherds are purebred. This means that they can be registered with the American Kennel Club and their bloodlines can be tracked over generations. Expert breeders will likely have decades of their dog's lineage registered and tracked. That information will allow them to prove the viability and virility of their puppies. Additionally, with designer dogs becoming increasingly popular in the United States, many people find pride in having a purebred dog. 


German shepherds are among the most trainable dogs out there, with the ability to work in many different professions when trained properly. For example, a German shepherd could be trained to be a seeing-eye dog, a police dog, a search and rescue dog, or a helpful dog around the house. It just depends on the effort and consistency of their trainers. When trained well, they make incredible family dogs; they are well-behaved and gentle with children and adults alike. 


German shepherds are potentially the most loyal dogs out there, known to occasionally run into dangerous situations in an effort to save their owner or trainer. While some dogs will think more about their own preservation, German shepherds are fiercely loyal to their owners. If you are looking for someone to always stand by your side, the German shepherd is the dog for you. 


In addition to being a wonderful dog to train and live with, German shepherds are known for their distinct look and beauty. They come in a variety of colors, though most are a mix of brown and black with a sleek build and a beautiful tail. If you are looking for a unique German shepherd, you can get one that is all black, all brown, or even white! 

In conclusion, a German shepherd puppy may be just what you have been needing around your home. They are sometimes a bit hard to find, so if you see a litter of German shepherd puppies for sale, do not hesitate to add one to your family. You will appreciate the decision for years to come! Contact a company like Sandy Boy Shepherds to learn more.

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